Why Martin Travel

Why Martin Travel

Martin Knows

Martin knows how to build a trip to fit your ideal travel wants and needs. Are you taking the family on a cruise to a scenic, tropical locale? Joining a larger group for a fun and constructive getaway? Maybe you’re up for exploring novel destinations by way of motorcoach.

Whatever way you travel, Martin will be there to craft an unforgettable, effortless experience for you. After all, we’ve been in the travel industry since 1978—we know what to plan, when to plan it, and how to help you get the most out of your journey.

As western Virginia’s only Virtuoso agency, we have access to over 1,800 of the world’s best hotels, cruise lines, tour operators, and more. We use these tools alongside our own personal connections and firsthand experience to tailor trips to fit clients like you—so you get unique experiences, preferred rates, complimentary perks, VIP treatment, and exclusive amenities.


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